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Tunnel Mounds

Surface mounted Tunnel Mounds are ideal to add fun and adventure to a flat play area.
The Tunnel Mound is secured into position and landscaped over by compacted stone and cement, ready to receive our luxury artificial grass or rubber safety surfacing to create an attractive and fun teletubbie style mound.

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The Playground Company
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Additional Information

Different style mounds and sizes available.
Constructed with child friendly plastic tunnel, pressure treated play grade timber and HDPE fascia panel (available in a variety of colours).
Available with a variety grass or rubber safety surfacing.




Length: 3.5m
Width: 1.5m
Height: 0.8m

Critical Fall Height: 0.8m
Surfacing Required: 12.3m²
Minimum Space: 6.5m x 5.5m

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